The Lord Of Death (The Age Of Dawn Book 2) - Plot & Excerpts
They cut with a graze and tear through bone with shocking ease. Their agility is unmatched and they use their talons with striking precision.” -from the Death Spawn Compendium by Nazli Tegen They made their way through the market square and to the eastern side of the noble’s quarters. On this side of the noble’s quarters, the houses were still very beautiful, but not nearly as intricately designed as those on the Royal road. Walter wasn’t sure which road they were on or exactly where it led, but he kept the palace in view. As they drew closer to the palace, details such as the long spikes lining the palace’s ramparts came into view. No, Midgaard does not mess around when it comes to security. Every defense has a weakness though, doesn’t it? The road they had been following ended in a T-intersection. To the west were the ornate gates they entered two days ago. Its iron curves and graceful arcs glinted in the afternoon sun. To the east, the road wound to what would presumably be The Wall, a relic erected after the Leofolk invasion 2,000 years ago.
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