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Read The Outlaw's Dirty Dancer (2014)

The Outlaw's Dirty Dancer (2014)

Online Book

2.96 of 5 Votes: 4
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Evernight Publishing

The Outlaw's Dirty Dancer (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Well now I have a new series to read and seeing how I can't stop w/ just one. And now apparently I have a new series that I can't put down after one so I will be committing myself to this series for the next little while. I enjoyed this book on a differently level then the first one however I found the same thing where it felt like it didn't flow smoothly and felt a bit like the same point was expressed over and over just worded differently. However I did enjoy it and hope the next is just as good. I'll give it a 3 out of 5. The premise of this book seemed good. A sexy, tough as hell biker saves a stripper from a creep, and things get heated. The HEA follows and life is good.Overall I liked this book. The sex was okay, although at points it seemed a bit forced. The first time was “I need this” yet they did this and that. With the type of guy I thought Brick was, I would have guessed him to throw her down, not beat around the bush.My biggest issue was this is paranormal. Not, it’s not. It keeps saying he’s a bear shifter, yet he never shifts. The closest we get is a growl-type voice. I wish there could have been more. It seemed like the shifter part was tacked on to give him an edge. The writing was good and I enjoyed Brick’s POV.

What do You think about The Outlaw's Dirty Dancer (2014)?

I really liked this book. The action.the attitude the dirty sex. It was really hot. I loved it.

Loved Brick and Darra. Definitely hooked on this series.

Fucking totally alpha!!! Review to come

LOVED IT ! 5 hot and dirty stars

Really loved Darra and Brick.

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