What do You think about The PMS Murder (2007)?
The weird thing about this book is that there will be references to previous books, not in just a situational way, but in a "if you want to know that you can read about it in my other book 'book x'." It's unclear whether it's supposed to be the character talking (in which case why does the character only refer to herself as a freelance writer who writes ad copy and never as someone who writes books) or the author, in which case, how strange to interrupt the flow of the story so you can say in parentheses "go buy my other book." It is really off putting.
I really liked this mystery. The writing seems to just draw you into everything and the characters and situations all feel very real. Weirdly enough I had read the first Jaine Austen mystery and now this one (number 5 in the series) and I have the last one written on my list to read. I did have one small problem and that was the book cover. When you read the book she is always either eating or talking about her weight and how she needs to lose some but on the cover the girl pictured is very skinny and you can really tell that it is not at all what Jaine looks like. Fudging is fine but this is downright wrong IMO. Anyway, I liked how Jaine got facts from the different characters and they all seemed to have motive. It kept you trying to figure out who did it. I didn't know at all until Jaine herself figured it out which was at the very last moment.
Though I'd grown a tad tired of the Jaine Austen formula, this one pleasantly surprised me. I wish that the "branching out and making new friends" plotline had extended; it would have made things more interesting for future reads, as it brought fresh new faces. I have to say, I'm tired out by the running gag of Prozac, the cat, "cleaning her genitals." Cats do clean other parts of their bodies, y'know.Anyway, I fully expected to be bored, but this one did seem a slight variation on the formula. Thus, I ended up enjoying it quite a bit; it's probably now one of my favorites in the series.