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Read The Publicity Push

The Publicity Push

Online Book

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DoctorZed Publishing

The Publicity Push - Plot & Excerpts

Even before the sun touched the upper slopes of Bartle Frere they were perspiring. Kylie noted this as she walked with Margaret down to the river to fill her water bottles. She was feeling much better, although stiff and chafed from the previous days march.
    ‘At least we don’t have to carry our packs today,’ she told herself. ‘And we can get on with finding the gold mine.’ Her spirits lifted even more at the sight of the sparkling, clear water tumbling and gurgling around the boulders in the river bed. It was a beautiful spot and it helped to lighten her sense of isolation.
    When breakfast was over they tidied the camp and prepared to explore.
    “Are we going to just leave our camp?” Margaret asked as she buckled on her belt.
    Graham shrugged. “Why not? Nobody is liable to come here,” he replied.
    Stephen looked up from doing up his pack. “There’s been someone here recently,”

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