The Reunion: Emma's Vacation (The Starting Over Series) - Plot & Excerpts
The fact that the other three were now divorced was also comforting in a weird sort of way. “I guess it’s my turn. I’ve been dreading this moment for days…” Emma said. “Why?” Ashley asked. “Because I have been feeling a lot like a failure. I’m divorced too.” “Do you think we’re failures, Emma?” Claire asked. “Of course not!” “Then why would you be any more of a failure than we are?” Claire asked. Emma thought for a moment and then threw the ladies a sly smile. “You always had a way of cutting right to the chase, Claire,” she said with a grin as she smacked Claire’s hand on the table. “So, tell us your story of heartache and failure, Emma,” Ashley said throwing her head back dramatically as she pretended to faint. “Okay… After college, I married Henry Carlton.” The women gasped with shock. Henry Carlton was a world renowned surgeon, and he was known for being a lifelong bachelor that no woman could ever catch. The women had all worked with him at some point or another during their training at the hospital. “Seriously?
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