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Read The Sex On Beach Book Club (2007)

The Sex On Beach Book Club (2007)

Online Book

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The Sex On Beach Book Club (2007) - Plot & Excerpts

She wore a tailored suit and two cell phones on her expensive belt. Her black hair was no-muss short, her makeup efficient, and her eyes were constantly on the move.She matched the research Holly had done on her and the other three book club members this morning—after getting Joe to meet her at the police station. She’d made arrangements for him to take the girls to her condo when they were done and for him to keep an eye on them. Rodgers had confirmed that Wes’s lawyers had made an appointment for late morning to meet with her.Holly had been working nonstop, running backgrounds and looking for a connection between Wes when he’d been Nick Mandeville in L.A., the four book club women, and maybe the trainer who went to prison then was murdered, Bart Gaines.Maggie was an upscale wedding planner. Her office looked like a high-end travel agency, with a reception desk buried in lush carpet, fancy chairs around an antique table where Maggie sat with two women and a mound of photo albums, some kind of blueprint or sketch, and a laptop computer.So far, they were so absorbed in what they were doing, they hadn’t seen her looking through the window.Time to shake some trees and see what fell out.

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