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Read The Statistical Probability Of Love At First Sight (2012)

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight (2012)

Online Book

3.82 of 5 Votes: 3
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0316122386 (ISBN13: 9780316122382)
Poppy/Little Brown

The Statistical Probability Of Love At First Sight (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

3/5 stars. Pretty good. I just have to say that although I've read/watched similar stories (like Serendipity for example)I still found this book engrossing. Maybe it's just the inner teenage mushiness inside that made me devour the book in 2 hours but I have to say that for a story in a time frame of 24 hours, this book probably made a somewhat perceivable (for the lack of a better term) character development/progression. And that's what made myself stick with the book. For anyone who wants a short, pick-me-up kind of story, this one's for you.And lucky if you're a fan of'll dig this.P.S. I heard Hailee Steinfeild's taking up the role of Hadley in the movie adaptation. What do you think? This book is nothing less than adorably cute. It was the perfect holiday read, even if it does take place in July. It is the perfect cute, teen romance novel in that it ins't too overly cheese or unbelievable. It also has more real life aspects in it like family issues and uncertainty of new and different situations. I had a hard time putting this book down with it's easy flow and no endlessly dull moments! Overall, it was a wonderful, simple book that I would recommend to anyone looking for a book that isn't over the top cheesy or completely unrealistic.

What do You think about The Statistical Probability Of Love At First Sight (2012)?

nice and quick read. but thats about it. the main character was a bit too whiny

3.5 stars. Cute and just what I needed right now.

Great quick read if you are in a reading slump.

I really liked this cute read!

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