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Read The Summer He Came Home (2013)

The Summer He Came Home (2013)

Online Book

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1402274807 (ISBN13: 9781402274800)

The Summer He Came Home (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

Such an amazing story! I loved Maggie and Cain (a bad boy by name alone!). Cain was known to be a bad boy but underneath was a very caring generous protective man, especially of Maggie and her son Michael. Michael in this story stole the show. So sweet. This book had me hooked from the beginning. I loved the immediate connection that Maggie and Cain felt and the depth to it. I loved the emotion Juliana makes you feel with these characters. So intense were Maggie's secrets. I loved the relationships between Cain, Jake and Mac as well as the one between Maggie and Raine. So nicely developed and real. I cannot wait to read the next book in this series, Jake and Raine's story. This is the first book I have read from this author. If you like bad boys in books then you would like this one. They say you can't go home but in this story bad boy Cain has. Chasing the dream of music and ending a marriage gone bad home he goes to lay to rest a friend lost. From day one his eyes light on Maggie and he can't look away. Lovely heated romance unfolds as he takes time to live life in a different way. Rooting for this romance to last as you read their time together -his discovery of what he is missing and her in letting go of the secrets behind the wall.Riveting tale with a bang up ending that ends so sweet and ready for the next one in from Crystal Lake and another tale of love.

What do You think about The Summer He Came Home (2013)?

I love a great romance and this is definitely one of those.

liked it...want to read Jake's story...due October 2013

Liked the story enough to want to read the next one.

love the books of juliana stone :-)


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