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Read The Texan's Royal M.D. (2014)

The Texan's Royal M.D. (2014)

Online Book

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The Texan's Royal M.D. (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

“Let’s take this to the conference table. You need to show me exactly what’s got you concerned.”
    The table was a slab of thick glass supported by a bronze base. It seated twenty and had hosted too many high-level negotiations and contract signings for Mike to count. Those billion-dollar deals weren’t on his mind as Rafe spread out his pencil-annotated reports, however. What concerned him was a specific project that GSI had helped fund to the tune of a quarter-of-a-million dollars.
    “The study’s direct costs track,” Rafe said, spreading out a series of documents. “Zia’s initial report accounts for every hour her team spent refining their objectives and setting up their base of operations. Ditto expenses for supplies and equipment, hours logged on the center’s computers and fees paid to their outside funds consultant.”
    Mike frowned as he skimmed the fees charged by Danville and Associates. The total was on the high side, but not out of the ballpark compared to those charged by other firms that specialized in securing and managing grant monies.

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