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Read The Third Duke's The Charm

The Third Duke's the Charm

Online Book

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The Third Duke's The Charm - Plot & Excerpts

Lucien looked up, and though he might normally have been annoyed at the interruption, he merely lifted his brows in question.
    “Lord Charles requests an audience.”
    There was a small impulse to be amused at the formal phrasing, but he sat back in his carved chair, set aside the correspondence he had been going over, and murmured, “I rather wondered when my brother would reappear. Could you please show him in, Luther?”
    The young man bowed. “Very well, sir.”
    His first thought was that Charles looked well. Even as a child he’d been gifted with that easygoing smile and it was in evidence now as he strolled in and shrugged out of his jacket, loosening his cravat and picking out the most comfortable chair. “Father told me you were in London.”
    “That is your form of greeting?” Lucien sent him an amused look. “After all the chaos you’ve caused?”
    “How much chaos is it?”

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