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Read The Torrid Zone (The Fighting Sail Series)

The Torrid Zone (The Fighting Sail Series)

Online Book

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Old Salt Press LLC

The Torrid Zone (The Fighting Sail Series) - Plot & Excerpts

Kate told them earnestly, as their small cart wound along the unmade track. “Despite his Christian beliefs.”
Julia resisted the instinct to laugh out loud as she could see the captain's wife was taking Kate's comments in all seriousness. Neither of the women were particularly well known to her, and she had yet to fully experience Mrs Manning's direct way with words. As the newcomer, she could not know that Sarah was simply pleased to have her friend back in something approaching her previous humour.
“Frankly, I would have never expected a bachelor to be so wise,” the surgeon's wife continued.
This time Julia’s smile did break through. “Why, they can't all be so very foolish, surely?” she asked.
“Perhaps not,” Kate conceded. “But Mr Fraiser has a wisdom you would not expect of a normal sailing master.”
“Richard values his skills most highly.” Sarah said, still relieved beyond measure to be having a proper conversation with the woman once more. Since they had left England, Kate had been her closest friend.

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