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Read The Unexpected Enlightenment Of Rachel Griffin (Books Of Unexpected Enlightenment Book 1)

The Unexpected Enlightenment of Rachel Griffin (Books of Unexpected Enlightenment Book 1)

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Wisecraft Publishing

The Unexpected Enlightenment Of Rachel Griffin (Books Of Unexpected Enlightenment Book 1) - Plot & Excerpts

With his athletic build and curly blond hair, Agravaine reminded Rachel of a grown-up Sigfried, if Siggy were more calm and collected than currently conceivable. Rachel looked after them hopefully, but they were talking about Nastasia’s time at the Halls of Healing and paid Rachel no heed.
    Then, Kitten’s older sister, Panther, came to get her. Panther took Astrid with her, too, though Astrid did not particularly wish to go. The tiny lion accompanied them, as did Astrid’s red-winged blackbird. Rachel, who burned to be invited, stared after Astrid’s retreating back. She wanted to offer to take Astrid’s place but failed to summon up the courage to voice her wish.
    From the window, she saw her brother Peter going off with his friends, including John Darling and some of Darling’s red-headed cousins, all in their red and blue YSL cloaks. Their familiars, mainly cats, darted in and out around their feet. Laurel, too, for all her wildness, was a member.

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