Barb’s voice rang with triumph across the crackly cell phone connection. “Why is that?” Maggie steered with one hand around the first curve up the road toward the cabin. She didn’t believe in driving while talking on the phone, but there was no place to pull over on this narrow stretch, and she was in a hurry to get to the cabin and back to town to finish putting together the paper. She couldn’t believe she’d left her flash drive with the story on last night’s town council meeting on the table by the sofa. Rick had pitched a fit when she told him. Then again, Rick was always pitching a fit about something, and since no one else would work for the wages he paid—and certainly no one would do as good a job as Maggie did—she didn’t think her position at the paper was in jeopardy. Still, she needed to grab the flash drive and hurry back to the office, or they’d be there until midnight putting the paper together. “I’m sorry, Barb, we had a bad connection there for a minute.
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