A male strip club? Me watching naked men shake their pogo sticks? On second thought, I want to thank you. What better way to get over someone objectifying my body parts than by me objectifying the other sex’s body part.” “High-five for the Triad!” said Olivia. All three of us slapped high-fives in the air as we shifted in our seats waiting as the brightly colored spotlights danced on an empty stage.” “We thought you could use some pampering. Sexual harassment isn’t fun,” Cynthia said. “No girl needs to have her Va-Ja-Ja priced out of the market of the average man.” Olivia hugged me. “His actions theoretically scarred you forever.” “You let us know which barrel you want to touch. We’ll call him over here to shake that barrel right in your lovely heart-shaped face.” Too many things happened at the same time. Cynthia talking about a pogo barrel shaking in my face at my behest and Olivia saying I am a victim scarred for life. “Scarred me.” Now I’d heard everything.