The last day of school is coming closer and Benjamin Pratt is running out of time. Jill and Ben need another Keeper of the School. Janitor Lyman is upping the game with technology and they need to outsmart him. The school and its history needs to survive!With each new addition to Clements series, I am left on the edge of my seat. Clements is writing a series that is reminiscent of the serialized novels of the 1800's. Readers from the past would wait for book chapters to be printed in the newspaper. Once the complete story was finished, printers would publish the novel in several novels (think Charles Dickens). I want to read the whole book in one sitting and Clements is drawing the readers along so cleverly. Bravo! I cannot wait for the next installment!Keith Nobbs returns to narrate the third Keepers of the School. With the first words, the characters spring back to mind immediately.Reviewed from a library copy. There's a lot going on in this series. It's a mystery-and a bit of a puzzle mystery, so kids can play along. It's an adventure with plenty of action and excitement. But there are unexpected touches that I really like. Ben and Jill and learning to get along with the obnoxious "know-it-all" in their class in book 3. They've brought him on board as the third keeper in their little band and Ben discovers things about Robert's life he never imagined. And Ben himself is still coping with his parent's separation. These touches bring realism to the series and help kids relate to Ben and Jill.
Fun read especially the parts of American history Clements adds to the plot.
feels great to have read a bit of a easier book and it was real good too
Enjoying the series- definitely need to read in order!