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Read The Widow's Protector (2012)

The Widow's Protector (2012)

Online Book

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The Widow's Protector (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Disgusted, Ben spent the night in a town miles away from Conard City where he could at least stretch out on a bed. He found some businesses still open and bought an ugly brown dye for his sun-streaked hair, something that claimed he could do it himself at a sink. He also picked up some clothes that fit in better with the way people dressed around here. No cowboy boots, but he did buy the jeans and a checked Western shirt, even a cheap cowboy hat. He also finally ate a decent meal.
    Okay, the endless hours of waiting had reinforced his decision not to kill the woman unless he had to. Knocking the karmic scales out of balance was seldom a smart thing. Unfortunately, he hadn’t seen Ryder come out of the house once all day.
    The idea that Ryder might be taking advantage of another woman the way he’d taken advantage of Brandy began to grow in him. So it was Ben’s job to save the Chastain woman, unless she got in his way or could tell the authorities who he was.

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