Omg!!! I saw this book and had recognised it off a book tubers account and later found out it was only $6 dollars! So I picked it up thinking that if I didn't enjoy it I hadn't wasted my money at all but I had enjoyed it more than I expected! It's such a beautiful book with a huge plot twist that I just couldn't help but love! Marie Rutkoski created such beautiful characters that you just couldn't help but love. If there is just one tip I give to everyone thinking of reading this book is just do it and try to go into it with no expectations because it will blow your mind even more!!! Wow. This is one of the most beautiful books I have ever read. The writing is amazing and the uniqueness in this book is just mind blowing!The fact that the author was able to bring in other cultures to influence her new ones is original.My thoughts on the characters:Girl you should have married Ronan and saved all this; and Arin you little bitch.there's just to much going on so go read someone else's review cuz I'm to lazy :P bottom line: must read.
I rolled my eyes to an unhealthy extent while reading but it's good enough to read the sequel
Loved this book! It was a surprise at every turn. Looking forward to the next in the series.
oh my goodness gracious what just happened, WHEN DOES THE WINNER'S CRIME COME OUT
Actual Rating: 3.5