The horse’s sides heaved, and foam lathered around the bit. She leaned down and patted Dancer’s neck. “Good girl,” she murmured.Auriella sat up and tried to slow her own breathing. They were deep in the thieves’ forest now, farther than most Hunters liked to venture. A branch caught at the fabric on her skirt, tearing open the side.Not like it mattered anymore.She shouldn’t have run. Any trespasses she’d committed against Terric would surely be forgiven…considering she was clearly first in line to be Queen. If there was one thing she was sure of, it was Rowan’s appetite once he had his sights on the woman he wanted.She hadn’t been thinking clearly. But she hadn’t been thinking clearly since the moment Sarah had walked through her door with this obscene dress draped over her arms. And now she’d left the city during Festival. That was sure to enrage the king, although to what outcome she didn’t know. She thought of returning and begging forgiveness, but she couldn’t make herself turn the horse around.Auriella didn’t want forgiveness.