The Year Of Reading Dangerously: How Fifty Great Books (and Two Not-So-Great Ones) Saved My Life - Plot & Excerpts
1 by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, John Buscema Krautrocksampler: One Head’s Guide to the Great Kosmische Musik – 1968 Onwards by Julian Cope ‘AND YET . . . WHAT IS THAT . . . AHEAD OF ME . . ? . . . WHAT FANTASTIC RELIC OF A BYGONE AGE HAVE I STUMBLED ONTO?’ The Silver Surfer #1 ‘“Father Cannot Yell” was a fascinating and fruitful exercise that T.S. Eliot would have been proud of. In his essay “The Metaphysical Poets”, Eliot chided the establishment for always seeing similarities between artists as negative. Why, he asked, was it not possible to return to the ancient bardic perspective that happily accepted the apprentice’s use of his master’s blueprint? Only in acceptance of what had gone before could he himself truly move on. Can certainly proved this on Monster Movie.’ Krautrocksampler The summer passed in a haze of Jane Eyre, Wide Sargasso Sea, On the Road, American Psycho, Under the Volcano, The Epic of Gilgamesh . . . I persevered and as I persevered, I blogged.
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