What do You think about Tide Knot (2006)?
Jika kematian Cal serta Ali terasa seolah merenggut jantungku keluar, diinjak-injak, kemudian dikembalikan dalam keadaan hancur lebam, maka The Tide Knot membuatku serasa ditusuk oleh bilah pedang tajam dan dingin tepat di jantungku yang setelah beberapa saat rasa sakitnya berubah tumpul hingga tak terasa. Tapi tetap saja kau tahu luka itu ada, kau tahu lubang itu ada di sana.Tidak ada yang nyawanya terenggut dalam buku kedua Ingo ini, kecuali mungkin kucing malang yang terseret banjir itu. Tapi setelah sekian lama menginginkan jawaban atas hilangnya Matthew, ketika jawaban itu diberikan, rasanya begitu menyakitkan.Aku bisa membayangkan rasa sakit Conor dan Sapphire. Rasa terkhianatinya. Aku mencoba mengerti mengapa, seperti Sapphire. Tapi aku tetap merasa ditampar dengan keras dan ditinggalkan, seperti Conor. Tusukan itu cepat, dalam, dan licin.Terkadang pilihan yang kauambil akan membuat beberapa orang terluka. Aku jelas tidak menyangka alasannya, kenyataannya, dan lebih tidak menyangka lagi saat tahu aku pun akan ikut terluka. Rasanya seperti ayah dan ibuku sendiri hanya jauh lebih rumit.Hanya setengah bagian buku ini yang sungguh-sungguh membahas tentang Simpul Ombak; Simpul itu sendiri bahkan baru diperkenalkan di pertengahan buku. Akhirnya terasa seolah diburu-buru, tapi ya sudahlah.
—Dilla Nanditya
The Tide Knot is the sequel to the wonderful book Ingo. Both books are full to the brim of magic, adventure, friendship, mermaids, the power of the sea and lots more. I loved reading both of these books and recommend them to kids of all ages. Nobody is too old for magic!! I would recommend you read Ingo first, if you haven’t already, as things will make a lot more sense when reading The Tide Knot. Sapphire’s first encounter of Ingo was nearly a year ago. Now she, Conner and their mum have moved away from their little cottage near the sea to the busy town of St Pirans. Here the wonderful world of Ingo seems so far away. As do Faro and Elvira, the friends she and Conner made only last year. But when Sapphire finally finds a way to get back to Ingo regularly things turn out worse than she expected. A midnight visit from her long lost father, the dangers of the Deep and the magic of the Tide Knot. Now only she and Conner, with the help of their friends, can save both Ingo and Earth from a terrible fate.
The pull (and story) of Ingo is growing stonger...literally. The characters Sapphire & Conor are growing up and becoming more independant, spending more time away from home and less in Ingo, but the sea cannot be ignored that easily, especially for Sapphire. They have moved further inland, due to thier mother's paranoia and urge to start over with Roger, her new love-intrest since the kid's dad disappeared. Sapphire is given new responsibilities with her dog Sadie who follows her everywhere, except Ingo. The one time Sadie tries to follow into Ingo, she nearly dies from the overwhelming "lost feeling" those who are "land-born" feel while in Ingo. Everyone in the story feels like something omnious and mysterious is about to happen and Sapphire rushes head-first to find out just what it is. Her answers lie in Ingo which is also rushing out to meet her in a tremendous tidal-wave. The reader also finds out what has happened to Saphhire's & Conor's dad, and the answers are quite shocking and scandelous. I can tell this is becoming a rather interresting series & I can't wait to read the next edition.