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Read Tiger's Curse (2011)

Tiger's Curse (2011)

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4.05 of 5 Votes: 5
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1402784031 (ISBN13: 9781402784033)

Tiger's Curse (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

This book immortalized every single stereotypical flaw with YA romances.-main character is a girl who doesn't care about her appearance but is ALWAYS SOMEHOW considered beautiful by everyone she meets.-Older paranormal overly protective love interest-love triangle with obvious outcome-not well thought out plot line-main character looks like author-somehow this young uneducated main character is the solution to century old problems-main character is a whiney immature bitch-not well researched, but eye grabbing at Barnes and noble culture choice (India in this case)-predictable (oh surprise! That's a special tiger, not like those normal Indian tigers!) -un attentive parents so main character can do whatever she wants-killing off of parents so plot can move smoothly along without their interference I could go on but basically this book was a disaster and was probably pieced together with the help of Google and tidbits from other YA books. Exotic, romantic, thrilling, and absolutely magical. This book had me holding on to every deliciously placed word from the beginning. Though I have to say, the first few chapters were a little slow. But after you really got into it, the aftermath definitely made up for it. I can certainly say that as soon as I opened Tigers Curse, I was dreading the moment when i finished the book and didn't have the next one. I really loved how Tigers Curse was mainly based in India, it gave the story a whole different type of appeal and made it much more unique than most YA Fiction books I've read. Because, Colleen adds so much Indian culture, language and background, sort of like shes teaching you, but without the boring part. And really tickling your adventurous side. I don't know about you, but after reading this series I really want to go to India. Maybe i'll even buy a magical tiger. Cause you never know...ALSO I am i n l o v e with the romance in this book! Its like a love triangle mixed with with the perfect amount of obstacles, and forbidden feelings (Sorta like a vampire book, but cooler.) between Kelsey, Ren, and another guy-that im not going to reveal because i'm not sure if its a spoiler or not, so i'm just going to go with the latter ;). The whole thing is just a romantic mush of every teen girls dream (Or at least mine anyways).And don't even get me started on Ren and Kishan! I mean JEZUS how come Texas cant have guys like this? They are literally like what it would be like if a ying-yang separated, moved to India, grew up, was like super hawt, and then became cursed. No joke.Now for Kelsey, honestly she is a bit, dull. But a total sweetheart who as you read will have you smiling and laughing throughout the whole book. So I seriously recommend this to read if you're into romance and magic and stuff like that because if so, then this book is perfect for you.But. I do strongly encourage anyone who decides to start the series to make sure and have already bought the next book before you finish the first, unless you want to be rolling around on the floor like a maniac and freaking out because you have to actually wait until you can go to the store to buy the next book. Which I can say from personal experience is very unpleasant.. So even if you're not sure you re going to like the series when you buy the first book, just go ahead and buy the whole series. Because i'm sure you're going to like it.

What do You think about Tiger's Curse (2011)?

Tiger's Curse is a page turner. I never lost interest and the pace keeps you on your toes.Tiger's Curse is fantasy. The main character, Kelsey, befriends a tiger while working at a circus. It turns out the tiger is really an ancient prince who has been cursed to live in a tiger's body. He has determined that Kelsey is the one that can help him break the curse.Tiger's Curse is an exciting adventure and it's sweet at the same time. The characters were endearing. Kelsey, who is so compassionate, Ren, the tiger, who is obviously mad about Kelsey, and Mr. Kadam, the perfect side kick are the main characters.Durga is the god that can release the curse. Kelsey is supposedly Durga's favored one. Kelsey accepts all this weirdness pretty easily. They have to travel all over India and figure out a lot of cryptic messages and symbols. It all happens quickly, but that also is what keeps the plot full of action. And, while they do get into some seriously dangerous situations, they always manage to figure out how to survive fairly easily.I'm a tentative fantasy fan. I like my fantasy to have a lot of reality mixed in. And, Tiger's Curse went too far for my taste. There is just too much magic. I have students that love these books, and they are often checked out. I don't hesitate to recommend this series. Most of my complaints are entirely personal.If you enjoy a fantasy about lovable wild animals, Tiger's Curse is sure to entertain. The empathetic characters and fast pace will definitely keep your interest.

This first in the Tiger's Curse series follows the adventures of Kelsey and Ren as they travel through India trying to break the curse that affects Ren and his brother. The adventure is exciting, and the descriptions of India made me feel like I was there. Even though Kelsey turns a little selfish and unlikable in the final chapters, I'm supposing she gains some maturity in the next books, and I'm looking forward to them.

It was slow at first but asit gradually got more interesting as I got farther into the story

I think about it. I dream about it. I obsess about it. easily my favorite ya series.


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