La historia comienza con un homicidio doble. Continua con otros asesinatos, más sangre, estan buscando 13 reliquias, mas sangre, todos recibieron las piezas cuando eran chicos en la 2da guerra mundial, mas sangre. Sara (22 años) salva a Judith (77) de un supuesto asalto, mas sangre, Judith es la guardiana de una de las piezas, mas sangre, le pide a Sara que se la entregue a su sobrino Owen, mas sangre. En fin, imaginen que matan a los 13, a todo personaje que aparece en el camino porque los villanos: a.Tuvieron vidas difíciles, padres malos. b.El líder quiere liberar a los demonios para reinar este mundo. c. Disfrutan la sangre mas que un vampiro. Y sólo llegue al capitulo 10!!!! It was kind of anti-climactic. Not much of a fight at the end. Also, I couldn't understand why all those people in the town had to die. Why did he call up the storm. I didn't understand that. Over all I thought it was good. I wanted to like it more. I like these kind of fantasy stories. I thought the whole Jesus thing was going a bit too far over the top. I mean, come on. It was very gorey. What was with all the head chopping?
What do You think about Třináct Relikvií (2012)?
Love the mystical mystery thing. Will have to look for a sequel.