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Read To Court A Cowgirl (2016)

To Court a Cowgirl (2016)

Online Book

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To Court A Cowgirl (2016) - Plot & Excerpts

Maybe it was because he was no longer hung over, or maybe because he’d come to terms with the fact that drinking too much wasn’t going to heal the broken bond with his dad. Whatever the cause, Jason took pains to not alienate the kid.
    Most of the foundation was in pieces and instead of bringing in a loader, Zach and Jason put the rocks into wheelbarrows and transported them to a ditch on the other side of the driveway that Allie wanted filled. One of his favorite things about the ranch was that there was always something that needed done, a plan to be made, a goal to achieve.
    When they settled on their respective tailgates for lunch, Jason mopped his brow before opening his lunch box. It was getting unseasonably hot and dry for mid-May.
    “I’ve got to leave early today,” Zach said. “Meeting with the judge.”
    “That works for me, too. I’m about to counter a counteroffer on some acreage and I want to look at it one more time.”

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