Too Long A Stranger (Women Of The West) - Plot & Excerpts
"Rebecca," she said again, emotion making her voice tremble. "You've changed. I scarcely knew you." Rebecca looked evenly at the woman before her. Is this really my mother? But she is so—so— Rebecca could not finish the thought. She did not wish to acknowledge what she was feeling. But the woman kept looking at .her. Studying her face. Perhaps searching for the little girl she had known. "You've grown—you're a—a young woman." She laughed at herself. "Here I was still looking for my little girl," she said lamely. "I should have known—well, I did know—in my head, but—" Rebecca stirred restlessly. The hands that still rested on her shoulders were creasing her gown—perhaps grinding dirt into the whiteness of the lacy collar. Sarah released her hold and stepped back, her eyes still full of tears of love and rejoicing. She blinked them away. "You must be—dreadfully weary," she managed in a voice that was almost natural. "Come. Let's get you home. Seth will see to your luggage." And Sarah took Rebecca's arm and led her across the dusty street.
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