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Read Trust In Me

Trust in Me

Online Book

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William Morrow Impulse

Trust In Me - Plot & Excerpts

She snapped her notebook closed and grabbed her bag. “I’m not sure I’m following this conversation.”
    “It’s really not that complicated.” I laughed at her hateful look. “We should go out on a date.”
    She stared at me a moment and then shoved her notebook into the bag with lethal force. “I don’t understand.”
    Why wasn’t I surprised that she didn’t understand? Lying back, I stretched my arms above my head, feeling the bones pop. I watched her gaze sweep down the length of me, getting hung up on the skin exposed between my shirt and belt.
    My smile spread. “Typically going on a date is when two people go out for the evening or sometimes during the day. Really, it can be any time of the day or night. It usually involves dinner. Sometimes a movie or a walk in the park. Though, I don’t do walks in the park. Maybe on a beach, but since there aren’t any—”
    “I know what a date is.”

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