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Read Truth Engine

Truth Engine

Online Book

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Truth Engine - Plot & Excerpts

It was so well sealed that he could hear nothing other than his own breathing and, if he stood very close to it, the swirling of the magma energies in the overhead light pool. Rosalia had offered to deal him back into the game and, despite his distrust of the mercenary woman, he was reaching the seemingly inevitable conclusion that it was the only option he had left. Kane had been in bad situations before, had suffered defeat at the hands of his enemies, had placed his life in the utmost danger. But those had been temporary things, situations where one option still remained if he looked hard enough.
Here, in this completely sealed cell, he was utterly without hope. He could be left to die here and no one would even know.
And what of Grant, his partner? What of Brigid Baptiste, his anam-chara? Were they in this situation, too? Had each of them been placed in solitary confinement in a cell with no door? Kane would risk everything to free them; he would sacrifice himself to save his friends if that was what fate demanded of him.

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