IT IS EVEN A VAPOUR, THAT APPEARETH FOR A LITTLE TIME, AND THEN VANISHETH AWAY. James 4:14 KJV CAL STEPPED GINGERLY TOWARD THE HOUSE, careful not to stumble or trip. A sound caught him up short, and he tensed. He was pretty worthless with his right arm out of commission, but he wouldn’t be taken by surprise again. He reached the outside stairs just as a light blared on and Mildred pulled open the door, shotgun primed. “It’s me, Mildred!” “What’s all the noise? You’re staggering like a drunk.” Even sober. And Mildred didn’t mince her words. “I met with a bat.” “What kind?” “The baseball kind.” She lowered the gun. “You can’t stay away from trouble to save your life.” “I didn’t look for it. It found me.” He yelled when she grabbed his arm and pulled him inside. “Where’s the damage?” “About where you’re gripping.” Cissy shuffled up, gasping when Mildred pulled his shirt open to reveal the purple welts and swelling joint. “Oh my.” Her hands flew to her mouth.