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Unacceptable Risk

Online Book

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Unacceptable Risk - Plot & Excerpts

It was rare of the admiral to have a cigar in his office. The room was large, with a desk at one end and a more informal conference area at the other, and the office permitted a great deal of pacing on the admiral's part.  "I have a tip that Gaudet wants to talk," he began.  The chief puffed extra hard on his cigar and Baptiste could see a brightness in the eyes.  "How do you talk with Gaudet in the future?" the admiral questioned.  "I dial a cell phone number."  "Do you have it all down in the file?"  "Oh yes."  "What kind of a deal could the French government make with a man like Gaudet?"  "Offer to buy Chaperone," Baptiste answered.  "Yes, except I thought he doesn't have it."  "But he's a dog in the hunt with a lot of inside information."  "We haven't found Raval?"  "Not yet."  "And Sam?"  "Figgy says not yet."  "Sam brought down Grace Technologies so I know his organization is effective. What are they doing, then? That's what I'm getting at."  "Trying to catch Gaudet."  "We all claim to be trying to stop Gaudet.

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