REPTILES• Iguanas can stay underwater for nearly 30 minutes.• Crocodiles dig underground burrows in extremely hot weather…and can live in them for several months without eating or drinking.• All reptiles are vertebrates, meaning they have a backbone. And except for snakes and a few lizards, they all have four legs.• Snakes don’t have ears like other animals, but they have inner ears that sense ground vibrations.• Reptiles don’t perspire, and they don’t have any sweat glands in their skin.• The brain of a reptile accounts for less than 1% of its body mass.• How do they pull their heads and legs inside their shells? Turtles are the only animals whose hips and shoulders are inside their rib cages.• Some lizards have a “third eye,” a tiny, light-sensitive, transparent structure on top of the head that helps them regulate how long they stay in the sun.• Snakes have no eyelids; transparent eye “caps” protect their eyes.• We’ve all got one: The lowest part of your brain stem is called the “reptilian brain.”
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