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Read Unraveled


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Pocket Books

Unraveled - Plot & Excerpts

I still had two glasses of champagne left on my tray, but instead of handing them out, I crossed the lobby and got into one of the elevators. As the car rose, I worked out the details of my hasty plan.
    There was really only one—don’t get dead.
    The elevator stopped at various floors to let people on and off, until I was the last person in the car. I watched the numbers slowly light up, and I rode it all the way up to the top floor, where Finn’s suite was.
    The elevator doors pinged open, and I drew in a breath, plastered a smile on my face, and strutted out into the hallway.
    Just as I expected, three giants dressed like outlaws were standing guard in front of the door leading into Finn’s suite, and I was willing to bet that even more guards were stationed inside, as well as in Owen’s and my suite next door. Far too many guards for me to fight my way through without getting injured, especially since Finn, Bria, and Owen were still unconscious and couldn’t help me.

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