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Read Vagrants: Book 2 Circles Of Light Series

Vagrants: Book 2 Circles of Light series

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Vagrants: Book 2 Circles Of Light Series - Plot & Excerpts

He thought it advisable to find out just what, if anything, Rhaki’s arrival in Return might have precipitated. Hargon’s scouts were still seeking news from the northernmost range of his lands but few traders had yet begun travelling after the Cold Season. The Lords of Andla and Tagria lingered in Return, both saying they wished to examine the first-cycle koninas in Hargon’s breeding herd.
Rhaki no longer attended meals, nor even bothered to tender any excuse or apology for his absences. He paced around his tower, urging the builders to work as fast as they might, and the brickwork now soared four stories above the massive base blocks of stone. Yesterday, two floors of thick wooden planks were hastily laid within the upper part of the tower, left rough and unfinished at Rhaki’s order. Now, as men worked in the adjoining building, Rhaki lay in his tower sleeping the sleep of total fatigue. A heap of pillows covered with quilts was his bed as his exhaustion was such that he could not wait for any furnishings to be brought.

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