Alex said. The temperature gauge needle had crept out of the Normal range. Botkin burst into the reactor control compartment with a wild, terrified look on his face. “The warning signals—a radiation leak—” “A coolant leak,” Scott corrected Botkin. He saw Abakov ease into the compartment behind Botkin. “Calm down.” Botkin, pointing at the temperature gauge, threw himself at the control console. The gauge’s black needle wiggled at the edge of the red zone. “The fuel will melt,” he cried. “We have to surface right now—” Botkin grabbed an SC1 microphone. “We have to emergency blow—” Scott tore the mike from Botkin’s fist. “Belay that!” “We’re all going to die—” Scott grabbed two handfuls of Botkin’s coveralls and threw him against the console. “No one’s going to die!” Nonfiction by Peter Sasgen Red Scorpion: The War Patrols of the USS Rasher This book is a work of fiction.