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Read Wet Heat

Wet Heat

Online Book

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Ellora's Cave Publishing Inc

Wet Heat - Plot & Excerpts

I can feel her pain sinking deep into my flesh and it hurts so badly, Paul replied and winced at the raw ache sifting through his body. This was the first time he had felt a physical pain from her during his waking hours.
The physical link must be connecting as we knew it would after we were with her again, his brother replied as they both watched from the second-story bordella window as Matilda’s car taillights disappeared into the mist.
Paul nodded, his excitement building at this new phenomenon. Only true mates grew the mind links and physical links. It was rare, but it did happen. And it only happened between twin males who already shared the psychic and physical link and the female they both fell in love with.
They had felt something instantly when they had discovered Matilda, near death, lying in a heap before their villa gate in Italy. Knew she was special. That she was the one.
“We’ll give her a few days to deal with her emotions, and then we will reestablish contact. Agreed?”

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