The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well-Being, and Lightness of Soul What Will Make You Happy? Well-being is the same as happiness, and if polls are to be believed, at least 70 percent of Americans, and often considerably more, report that they are happy. But that’s largely a rote response, the thing you are expected to say. When probed in more depth, fewer than a third of Americans are actually thriving, which combines inner and outer satisfactions. The other two-thirds are just getting by or feel that their situation is declining. Although economic downturns play a role, the main reason that people are unhappy is that they haven’t found a way to be happy. Human happiness is a goal everyone agrees on, but how to reach it remains a mystery. Let’s look at the findings that are most reliable, taken from psychological research in recent years. The Ingredients of Happiness:What Does the Research Say? So far as psychologists can tell, making yourself happy depends on some basic, general conditions: 1.