Luce noticed the name Yannis Sakellarakis under the title: Digging for the Past. Wasn’t he the archaeologist whose findings her mother had challenged? She remembered her mother mentioning his name in connection with the discovery of the remains of a human sacrifice in Crete. Human sacrifice. Luce was inclined to believe Sakellarakis: Minoan Crete hadn’t exactly been the peaceful artistic culture her mother claimed it was. Pretending she was absorbed in her reading, she covertly studied Lee’s face. It had been shocking at first to think of her mother as a lesbian. You’re the one who decided to love a woman, not me, she had shouted. Why should I have to deal with your sexual choice? Now she was used to the idea at least. But how could her mother have left their comfortable life together for the person sitting across the table? An overweight complainer who believed in a fairy tale about a golden age for women? Lee looked up. “How’s your journal?” “I was just thinking about something.”