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Read Whatever Gets You Through The Night (2013)

Whatever Gets You Through the Night (2013)

Online Book

4.53 of 5 Votes: 3
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Dark Horse Comics

Whatever Gets You Through The Night (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

I don't know what to think yet actually. My friend just lend the first 4 volumes, and I just finished reading the first one (this one)I like the concept of the story (wich I already knew a bit about, since Im a MCR fan and I really liked this last album), but I dunno why the art doesn't convince me that much yet. This looked like a intro to me, so I don't feel ready to take conclusions yet.Still, I thinks it's promising and I feel like reading the next one. It's hard to review just one issue of a series, but I thought this was fantastic. It helps if you are familiar with My Chemical Romance's album Danger Days and especially with their two music videos for "Na Na Na" and "Sing." It's amazing how in depth the world is in such a short amount of space. Gerard Way does not fail. I will probably not review each issue, just maybe the final one to give the overall review. I can't wait for the next one.

What do You think about Whatever Gets You Through The Night (2013)?

wow, comics count as books? this is awesome

Fantastic, just fantastic.

Keep Smiling.

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