I loved it, but...I guess the romance is gone so soon after having read the first one.The element of surprise isn't as great as the first one, we already know the characters and there isn't really all that much to reel us in anymore.It's still WAY better than most of the stuff that's out there, and I am looking forward to the 3rd installment, but, just like great sex... it's fantastic the first time around, but it kinda fails to live up to your pre-conceptions and expectations when you try repeating it the 2nd time... not that that's bad, after all, also like sex, any sex is better than no sex ;-) The Umbrella Academy: Dallas by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba is the explanation of Number Five's story of time traveling and committing a great chunk of histories mass murders and becomes one of the greatest. Dallas at first tricks you into thinking that Number 5 is not a very good guy, but when the realization of saving a mother, Number 1, an himself, you realize that he is actually, like I said, one of the greatest murderers and heroes. You also meet two new characters which are fantastic, and in my opinion, the best and my favorite. Hazel and Cha Cha are too crazy assassins who got lost in time just like Number 5 and were fixed and trained with the highest killing technology possible. Unlike Number 5, who was most talented and special in this crazy business, Hazel and Cha Cha were 100 times more violent. These two psychotic killers are my favorite because of wild behavior. As we know, they are time traveling nuts, with fake carnival-animal heads as actual heads, and they love to kill, but they have a very interesting craving. "Why Do Drugs, When You Can Have Cookies and Guns." Cookies for Hazel and Cha Cha are like drugs to them, and thru out this entire comic, most of the time they are talking about the famed girl scout cookies. They don't just love cookies, but they love all the delicious sugary treats there is out there, especially the apple pie that was made by the diner guy who Cha Cha cut his arms and legs off while alive. I would recommend this book to the ones like and understand heroic violence. If you cannot handle the sight of death, blood, and destruction, then don't read it, because it is on practically every page. If you love that stuff, go ahead and jump in it."Its always a longer walk to the mens room, Buckaroo." God.
What do You think about The Umbrella Academy, Vol. 2: Dallas (2009)?
Time travel, vampires, the Kennedy Assassination and sentient chimps. What more could you ask for?
"All we're interested in is red licorice whips and instant armageddon." - Hazel and Cha Cha
One of the best graphic novels I've ever read. A great twist on the super hero.