Me ha gustado mucho eso de mezclar a los superhéroes con hechos históricos. En verdad son los únicos cómics que he leído sobre superhéroes. De los héroes clásicos hay tantas historias que no se por cual empezar, pero tengo claro que quiero seguir leyendo cosas de esta temática, al menos como descansos entre novela y novela. En su día lo quise por estar escrito por Gerard Way, hoy el aprecio que le tengo es por el buen rato que me ha hecho pasar. Una historia que recomendaré siempre. An improvement on the first volume. We really get a feel for the world these zany characters inhabit, which I felt never came together in the first volume. The time travel aspect worked well, particularly the resolution, which Way admits in his afterwards was a challenge and could have unfolded very differently.I would have enjoyed this more 4-6 years ago. I'm not saying this to knock the series, but rather because the imaginative and youthful style made me aware that I'm not as easily entranced by comics as I used to be. Give me a couple beers and old issues of Hellblazer continue to do the trick, but it's been a while since I found a series that made me giddy. This is a series that appeals to the giddy factor, and I only wish I had more of it to be provoked by fun series like The Umbrella Academy.
What do You think about Dallas (2000)?
Even better, crazier, more exciting than the first. I can't wait until the next one!
Visceral, comical, emotional, and beautiful.