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Read When Time Stops: Dragon Shifter Surprise Pregnancy Romance

When Time Stops: Dragon Shifter Surprise Pregnancy Romance

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When Time Stops: Dragon Shifter Surprise Pregnancy Romance - Plot & Excerpts

It definitely hadn’t taken a turn for normalcy after Isobel witnessed the race. She still got chills as she thought of it. The way those powerful, almost supernatural creatures swung through the air, cutting past one another like jet airplanes, if not even faster, was breathtaking. To think that they ‘moonlighted’ as regular humans was a little too much to consciously handle, really.
    Every time Isobel thought she was coming to grips with the madness around her, she was quickly proven to be wrong once again. There was no getting used to this. Not in a million years.
    As had become her modus operandi, she was checking the doors and windows of the sitting room she had been shown into that evening. She’d attempted to sneak out after the first challenge, using the confusion to her advantage, but her guards were way too sharp to let that happen. It didn’t mean she was going to stop trying, though.
    Her guards had brought her another dress – a slinky red one, this time – and ushered her into a lavish den in the same castle she was being kept at.

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