What do You think about White Chocolate Moments (2007)?
I liked the story line but felt that the faith / inspiration aspect came in quite heavy (mark page 200 and beyond). I have read other fictional books introducing the characters to God and a new way of thinking, but handled in a more delicate way that fit the rest of the tale. No problem with the message, just not sure I like the delivery in this book. The white chocolate moments were poignant, and the main character drive- fear of loss,being left alone/ not wanting to compete, were well writtien,
Hmm. With a title containing the word chocolate, I thought I would have enjoyed it a lot more than I did! To me it didn't really flow well... I thought it seemed to jump from one thing to another and I couldn't always follow what was going on smoothly. It started to get a little fluffy at the end as well, when they finally brought in Christianity. It felt like it was kind of added for the sake of adding it and didn't seem real or realistic. Maybe for some people, the decision to believe in God and Jesus Christ really was that simple and easy, but I thought it wasn't really written well, so that you were immersed in the character and their journey to finding Christ. Sorry for a harsh review... I ordinarily enjoy Lori Wick... I think!
The main character grows up with her uber rich grandpa after her parents die, decides to venture out on her on when she turns 18, finds a job doing manual labor and has some pretty humbling experiences, also has to overcome some emotional issues from losing her parents at a young age, and through it all she manages to get an amazing guy to fall for her even before he knows that she is the granddaughter of one of the richest guys around. I really enjoyed this book because Arcineh, the main character, chooses to leave the comforts and riches of her previous life behind to prove to herself that she can make it on her own. She's not a spoiled brat like I expected her to be, she's actually a character that I kind of look up to because she refuses to use her relation to her grandfather to help get her ahead, especially when it could have helped her a lot when she was looking for a job.This is good clean romance at it's finest and I highly recommend that you read it. It's about 350 pages, but it's a fairly easy read, so you'll only get to enjoy it for a few days. If you do read it, let me know so we can talk about it and sigh together. :)
—Carli Anderson