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Read Who's That Girl? (2009)

Who's That Girl? (2009)

Online Book

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0340954116 (ISBN13: 9780340954119)
Hodder & Stoughton (Hachette Livre UK)

Who's That Girl? (2009) - Plot & Excerpts

Let me start by being honest. I don't usually read chick-lit. But recently, due to insomnia, I'm craving a relaxing book , and so I started looking through Amazon for something easy to read and came across this. Reading the back of the book, I admit I was already excited at the idea of this book. I was thinking a little too much along the lines of "being Erica" (goggle it if you don’t know it as if you enjoyed this book you will enjoy the TV series) and perhaps even a little sci-fi-ish....? (I said ish). I know it’s a chick-lit but come-on, it’s time travel all mixed into the pot! I enjoyed the start of the book. A lot of people have said that they found it somewhat slow. Well I'm one of those readers that relish detail. I want to know EVERYTHING about the main character (providing I find them half likeable and if I don’t. I want to know what’s making them un-likeable) so I enjoyed the build up. I thought Charlotte was rather comical and dare I say it, a little dumb at times (er... she thought she had broken her neck when she leant on her steering wheel having jumped up quickly, and started freaking out) and I doubted she was made of the hard stuff a women needs to have to survive in ruthless business world of London, let alone be extremely successful. That aside, I enjoyed the narration, and found it very easy to pick up, put down and just read whenever I felt a gap in my evening. As for her "stiff upper lip" boyfriend, I found Miles (the property developer) an unrealistic match.Now, the men!Miles: I don’t believe a man like that would actually want to date women who had few similar interests (unless it was based on LUST which it wasn't ). If the augment is that he simply wanted to use Charlotte to pay half the mortgage on the x-million pound London town house, that makes no sense. Charlotte isn't wealthy enough to find half the money. She drives a mini cooper and has a small flat (which I'm not knocking) - but in London terms is very small change. Miles on the other hand, as a property developer in 2007 would have been absolutely loaded with cash. He would have been like Scrooge Mc Duck in the ducktails cartoon that jumps into his money pool every morning for a bath. (aww loved that cartoon!) So that’s hardly a good augment In fact it feels like that was just added as an afterthought, so Charlotte didn't look like a ^&%$ for dumping him out of the blue. (I will add that she was very cruel dumping him the morning they were due to go furniture shopping for their new home, with no emotion or sympathy.......and then, as soon as he was gone, getting it on with Oliver within 24 hours! If a man did that to Charlotte, he would be seen as an utter jerk! ) As you can guess, the first half of the book was developing love for Oliver . So let’s talk about a bit of...cheese. on.toast. Now I admit it, I get sort of itchy and a little restless the moment a story shows a dysfunctional love interest (think of any film you've seen when the man and women hate each other then fall in love. Blah blah cliché Because "nice guys" bore some women who need some therapy but instead read books like this - and wish they too could meet a complete jerk who they could change. ya.) Honestly I was almost cringing so much I dropped the book. Oliver the "waiter" who was rude and actually took rather a lot of pleasure in provoking Charlotte, turns out to be this guy, who ten years ago watched her from afar and fell madly in love with her, and she didn't even notice him! CHEESE. Not only that, when ten years later she just happens to walk into a bar for a meal with her boyfriend, he remembers her and makes snide remarks to her. And oh, love grows. ER? HELLO? ISSUES......?ISSUE WITH CHEESE ON TOP. Look I’m sorry if you loved that part. I found it unhealthy. WHY would this man remember her after ten years ? Why isn't he married? (He’s really GOOD LOOKING after all.) Why, hasn't he moved on with his life and got laid or something? I mean pleeaaaasseeeee. Anyway, moving on to the point. I liked this book when it was about time travel. That kept me reading. I wish this book was only about time travel and those other 150 pages were about Lotty and what other stories could of happened when she went back 10 years - instead of Oliver or her best mates husbands affair (or not). I didn't really care about her "cool" friend or her husband, we didn't know enough about them to really feel we knew or liked them. When this book was about Lotty, I actually liked the book a great deal.I liked Beatrice. In fact, I wish Beatrice had actually been the main character. She actually had a brain. (On a side issue, it’s stupid she couldn't meet a man in London who didn't mind her talking about her chemistry degree! It’s London 2007 not London 1907). Come to think of it, why is every woman in this book obsessed with men anyway - don’t they have life’s?This book should of only been about time travel. Then the ending. We see Charlotte waking up in hospital. And guess what, everyone just happens to be waiting for her wake up, and she almost died. But it’s all VERY jolly. Oh and whoopee do, she DREAMT IT ALL.But the worst part. THE WORST PART.Is "the waiter" turns up (him having been real – obviously - because Charlotte must get everything she wants). having been told by Charlotte a few days before that he was "just a waiter!" ( totally emasculated him) But hey. He's back, having not even known her for 24 hours on a personal level, hes great with the fact shes shallow and hay, hes back with salmon and potatoes! To make sure everything ends nice and sugary spicy, he tells her he’s NOT a waiter. He actually runs (and owns) several bars in London! Well that’s okay then? So now she can actually stop throwing in his face the fact that she makes more money than him! He takes her to France and marries her 9 months later, and Charlotte just happens to give her business away because now she has a man to replace her job with. The end!NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! This is so wrong! Why not never see Oliver again? Maybe that’s the one regret she has - that she can’t change - which is ironic (and sort of cool) which maybe helps her grow as a person. After selling her business, she could have started doing things for herself, instead of her being rescued by a man. She could have found inner peace alone; she could have learnt to grow emotionally and become a better vision of herself ( Oliver can of actually grows some balls) come on! a bit of girl power.... please!? but sigh. Its chick lit. I guess that wouldn't make a very good ending. *shrug*I can’t help it. I liked it. I cringed at it...will I read any other of her books? maybe, it can cure the cynic in me. After all we all need a bit of rom-com chick-lit comedy in our lives and that I can’t deny.(or do we?) Who's That Girl? is the kind of book you read when you've got nothing else to do to pass time. However, don't get me wrong. I think that it's a good book despite all it's cliches. It's really one of your typical chic-lit. It's funny. I enjoyed it. Though, I found the sub-story (the story about her friend) more interesting than protagonist's story line. I'm not sure why. :)) But anyway, it's a good light read!

What do You think about Who's That Girl? (2009)?

It wasn't very interesting for me at first but it improved towards the end



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