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Read Widows Of Eastwick (2008)

Widows of Eastwick (2008)

Online Book

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0141038039 (ISBN13: 9780141038032)
Penguin Books

Widows Of Eastwick (2008) - Plot & Excerpts

I first read the Witches of Eastwick back in the year 1984. This is the follow up book to that. The 3 witches EVENTUALLY get back together and travel to Eastwick for the summer. The witches are Jane (serious, mean, cello player who marries into a rich New England Nathaniel Hawthorne sort of family), Sukie (an attractive redhead who worked for the town paper and was into the town business in more ways than one) and the third I can't recall, but she is the fat pretty brunette who neglects her kids and marries a cowboy and moves to New Mexico where they become potters and work in the dusty dessert-scape with the dry brown colors of the earth.It wasn't easy to recall the first book but the way the author writes this book, referring to parts of the first book, it made it easy to follow the story.It was a bit overlong but I liked it and found it entertaining. However, a few days after reading it, I felt blue and depressed cause his message is quite dreary and sad and basically says when our reproductive services are done, so are we, according to nature. (No mention of a divine plan here). So it kind of left a bad taste in my mouth, I guess you could say.Back to the story: the original witches were most likely in their late 30's, early 40's. We pick up now with the witches in their 70's and their power is waning (sexual power that is).The book brings back the gay young man with the grudge against the witches for killing his sister in Book 1 and the young stud that Sukie (?) seduced back in the day (now, gasp, she realizes the "young" man is only 11 years younger, practically a contemporary.).Honestly, the book sort of meanders all over the place, starting with fat brunette travelling after the death of her spouse, realizing she needs company, hooking up with Jane to travel to Egypt and then finally they add Sukie (making 3 travellers) and then they end up back in Eastwick, Rhode Island, (where book 1 was set and they committed their mis-deeds). Eastwick is now a place which is not too welcoming towards the once scandalous witches.The plot was mostly about the end of life, the waning of the witches' power and how Nature is gentler on men than it is on women. The women connect with their children and forge relationships, realizing that life goes on through their children and grandchildren. Nothing too profound that hasn't been said many times before, in fact, sometimes in better ways.I might add that Updike's powers as a novelist appear to be waning in HIS old age cause quite frankly, the book is ok but nothing to write home about. 3 звездички и половина.Предубедена съм към продълженията. Много трудно могат не само да надскочат първата част, но и да достигнат нейната сила, да кажат нещо ново и да не звучат като предъвкана и разтеглена добре позната стара история.Не знам защо му е трябвало на Ъпдайк да рови отново и толкова подробно в живота на Александра, Суки и Джейн три десетилетия по-късно, след като така набързо ги трансформира в края на "Вещиците" в нормални, улегнали и кротки съпруги. Без разхвърляното им и палаво ежедневие, без еротиката и магиите, вдовишките им дни се точат мудно, скучно и като изсмукани от пръстите в първата третинка - представляваща прилични и доста подробни пътеписи от Египет и Китай, единствената свързваща (и много изкуствена) нишка между които са три очукани от годините и с нищо незабележими жени, опитващи се да забравят порочното си минало, плъзгайки се по остатъците от новия си живот и които така и не могат да решат дали искат да завържат отново и да запазят изтънелите и губещи се връзки помежду им. Много неубедително! Това би трябвало да бъде съвсем отделна книга, дори с други героини, защото случващото се по време на тези екскурзии изобщо не изисква обременяване с такова минало или точно такъв приятелски кръг. А и след тях завръщането на трите в Истуик изглежда някак изнасилено, пришито (или първата част - като негова кръпка), а точно в това завръщане е и силата на книгата, респ. на образите на бившите вещици - намерили в новия стар свят отломки от миналото си, които болезнено им го напомнят, както и това, че никога повече няма да бъдат нито млади, нито вещици. Та коя вещица прави магии за добро и е склонна да забравя и прощава?

What do You think about Widows Of Eastwick (2008)?

This book moved painstakingly slowly and sadly didn't charm me, (see what I did there?)

Continuation of the Witches Of EastwickNot as good, ending wound up too quickly

Kind of slow-going, but I thought it was worth it.


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