Isidro felt Sierra’s touch wearing off before sunset and as the darkness encroached so did the pain, spreading through him like a thicket of thorns, the barbs jabbing deeper with every movement. When they paused just before sunset to debate pitching camp now or pushing on for a few more hours, Rhia poured him a dose of poppy and Isidro downed it without hesitation. What he needed most of all was rest, but the growing pain in his arm wouldn’t allow it until the numbing dose of poppy swept it away. When Cam led them on again, Isidro fell into a doze in the saddle, and the next thing he remembered was being steered inside a half-constructed tent and being told to lie down on a thick pile of spruce, while Lakua coaxed a fitful flame into life inside the stove. He felt as if he was floating as he watched the tent go up around him, Eloba lashing the shaggy cover to the tent frame and Rhia carrying in all the gear. Once the fire was burning bright Lakua brought in the pot with the evening meal and set it on the stove to warm.
What do You think about Winter Be My Shield (2012)?