They now had a second connection to the rugby side as well as the school that linked the first hand to the second. She still had no idea how the woman in the black cape fitted into things – or if that person was January.At the station Jessica parked her car and went to find Izzy. As she walked in, it was as if she was going through an invisible wall. The air felt heavy and, even though it was pretty humid outside, it was even hotter indoors. Luckily, the news hadn’t spread too far that it was her that broke the air-conditioning system. If it had, she would have been given far more dirty looks as she made her way to the canteen where the two constables were. Rowlands had a moan that he was being left to work from the station but Jessica didn’t pay his complaints too much attention.Jessica and Izzy took a marked police car to see the rugby player. She didn’t know what she expected to get from him but there could be something buried in the past which had seemed innocuous at the time that was causing everything to happen now.