Words Of Command (Hervey 12) (Matthew Hervey) - Plot & Excerpts
Corporal Johnson had taken care to preserve his best uniform before leaving for the Levant, however, and had just had new white hose sent from Wall Street in St James’s. It was now all got up spick and span, with the silver and gilt showing well in the candlelight, and Johnson stood ready to assist with the vesting. ‘I must say that if the new king would do away with these breeches it would dispose me more towards his red tunics.’ ‘I think they’re very smart, and just the thing,’ replied Johnson, taking the trees from his court shoes as Hervey pulled on the stockings. ‘Damnably cold in weather such as this.’ ‘Corp’ral Wakefield’ll ’ave t’carriage warmed up right enough.’ ‘I’m sure he will. No doubt I make too much of it.’ He took a while to straighten the hose to his satisfaction, and then Johnson handed him the button-hook. ‘But this new king, ’e won’t be king for a bit, will ’e?’ ‘No,’ said Hervey, managing to fasten the top two buttons of his knee-breeches more deftly than he’d expected.
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