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Read Wynn In The Willows (2014)

Wynn in the Willows (2014)

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Pelican Ventures Book Group

Wynn In The Willows (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

She’d go to Egg Harbor to unlock some family secrets. She took a parking spot close to the pier where the ferry was now docking. Within minutes, she was seated on the forward bow. The sun filtered down through the top observation deck. Below, the vehicles were secured for the journey across the bay.
White cliffs hugged the shoreline on the north side as glistening blue water ran along the shore. Memories were encapsulated there. The source of her grant was, too.
Depending upon what information she gleaned, by the time she took the evening Ferry back, she just might be the owner of a whole new set of problems to solve, or have all the answers she desperately needed.
She stared at the passing Willow Island landscape; houses, storefronts, beach, and harbor.
“Doug, I didn’t expect to see you.” Her heart tugged at the sight of him.
He held up a small trap, which had a water bottle attached to the wire. The kitten was safely tucked into a soft towel. A face of fluff peered out.

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