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Andrea Camilleri books

Andrea Camilleri

Read Books by Andrea Camilleri


Die schwarze Seele des Sommers: Commissario Montalbanos zehnter Fall (2006)

This could have been the best book in the world and all I would have remembered is the thing about cockroaches. It's literally wiped my mind clean of any other detail about this book. From the two stars, I'm guessing it wasn't one of my favourites. I think the hight point of this series for me is...

Die schwarze Seele des Sommers: Commissario Montalbanos zehnter Fall (2006) by Andrea Camilleri

Ardores de agosto (2006)

Enjoy all the Montalbano books. This one is a fairly light, quick read. As always, Salvo gets onto the wrong foot with Livia (I can't decide whether she is long-suffering or unreasonable); having found a house for her friends to rent for a summer holiday, everything goes wrong. The intense August...

Ardores de agosto (2006) by Andrea Camilleri

August Heat (2006)

August Heat, book # 10 to feature Inspector Salvo Montalbano, is hands down my favorite book of the entire series. In a scorching, palpable August heat, Montalbano is volunteered by Livia to find a seaside summer vacation rental (a nearly impossible task) for her friend Laura and Laura's family ...

August Heat (2006) by Andrea Camilleri

Wings Of The Sphinx (2006)

Romanzo letto nel 2007. A parte l'interrogatorio di Montalbano a Morabito, uno dei personaggi coinvolti, che è una pagliacciata mal riuscita, e quell'irritante e persistente vena di maldicenza, di pettegolezzo, di insinuazione, di accenni buttati lì alla "cazzo di cane" nei confronti dei politici...

Wings Of The Sphinx (2006) by Andrea Camilleri

Il campo del vasaio (2008)

For me, one of the better books in the series. There is a lot going on here, but as usual, ever-so-charmingly done. And some genuinely funny - at times you can't help but imagine the events as he describes them and chuckle. Out loud. Which i don't do very often. Some moments of genius and our cha...

Il campo del vasaio (2008) by Andrea Camilleri

L'età del dubbio (2008)

Ossi (n�vuri) di siccia Dev'esserci una specie di principio dei vasi comunicanti anche nelle lettere; Camilleri sta travasando il mitologico, l'incerto, i colori pastello, il favolistico nei suoi romanzi "laterali" e conseguentemente il prosciugato Montalbano diviene pi� deciso e pratico. Al Sal...

L'età del dubbio (2008) by Andrea Camilleri

La edad de la duda (2008)

I like these books. As a middle-aged man, I understand what Montalbano is going through as he sees himself getting older, possibly less desirable to women, and still putting up with a bureaucracy that gets in the way more than anything else. The criminal aspect of this book is weak, and the story...

La edad de la duda (2008) by Andrea Camilleri

La pista di sabbia (2007)

I had saved this new Montalbano to read while Viking in Sicily, and it didn't disappoint. If I criticise then the story isn't as strong as the character (singular), and the other role players. However, Conan-Doyle had the same difficulty. Salvo's character gets stronger by he book. He is the arch...

La pista di sabbia (2007) by Andrea Camilleri

La danza del gabbiano (2009)

All the usual elements of the Montalbano books - Livia arrives for an arranged few days off with Salvo, and not only does it not happen but he completely forgets all about her. She removes herself from the scene - for once without too many harsh words. There is the food, the mystery, and the stra...

La danza del gabbiano (2009) by Andrea Camilleri

La danza de la gaviota (2009)

a further installment of police inspector montabal and his small office of cops in Sicily. this one particularly seems to have lots of "funny" dialog a la marx brothers, and as in many of the previous mysteries, a case ripped from the headlines of a corrupt and failing italian state. this one ch...

La danza de la gaviota (2009) by Andrea Camilleri

The Dance of Seagull (2009)

A real page-turner; I finished this book in a day, which is almost unheard of for me. It's a good Montalbano story -- and one of the funniest in some time. I laughed out loud several times.The plot is complex but not beyond comprehension, and the police procedures are carefully delineated. I w...

The Dance of Seagull (2009) by Andrea Camilleri

Angelica's Smile (2010)

Montalbano deve indagare sul misterioso Signor Zeta mente di una banda che mette a segno furti, nell'indagine il commissario dovrà "combattere" con Angelica che da vittima del furto passa ad avere un ruolo importante nell'indagine, Montalbano la paragonerà continuamente al personaggio di nome ang...

Angelica's Smile (2010) by Andrea Camilleri

La sonrisa de Angélica (2010)

Latest book in the Inspector Montalbano series...set in Sicily, translated from Italian...a string of burglaries with a side order of great food, humor, and Sicilian history and travel info. I had forgotten that the author provides a "notes" section in the back of the book, kind of a glossary for...

La sonrisa de Angélica (2010) by Andrea Camilleri

La paciencia de la araña (2007)

En esta octava entrega de la serie, Salvo Montalbano se encuentra postrado en cama, convaleciente de las heridas recibidas en su último caso. El comisario se siente confuso, el peso de los años lo abruma y una melancolía desgarradora lo lleva a cuestionarse cuál es el sentido último de la justici...

La paciencia de la araña (2007) by Andrea Camilleri

Gli arancini di Montalbano (2001)

Más cuentitos de Montalbano. Cuentitos de todos colores, cuentitos para todos los gustos. Sin embargo, como pertenecen a la primera era del personaje, son en general buenos cuentos. Historias en las que lo mismo el comisario tiene una puntada genial que mete la pata hasta el fondo, o en las que i...

Gli arancini di Montalbano (2001) by Andrea Camilleri

Un mese con Montalbano (1998)

En un mundo en el que las novelas de detectives han tendido a incrementar su complejidad mediante la inserción desmedida de artefactos de alta tecnología, de pruebas que involucran fluidos corporales diversos, materiales, químicos o hasta la densidad de los suspiros, pasando por la exhibición de ...

Un mese con Montalbano (1998) by Andrea Camilleri

La paura di Montalbano (2003)

This is an anthology of short stories and longer novellas. The two long novellas stand out : L'homme blessé and Le quatrième secret. The first one is a telling tale of innocence and what hides behind a pretty, young face and the second is a wonderful, wonderful piece of how Catarella is just one ...

La paura di Montalbano (2003) by Andrea Camilleri

Il birraio di Preston (1995)

Camilleri is best known for his Commisario Montalbano series, but relatively recently, inspired, he says, by the publication of the Report on the Social and Economic Conditions of Sicily (1875-1876), he has written two novels, Hunting Season and The Brewer of Preston, both set in this time period...

Il birraio di Preston (1995) by Andrea Camilleri

El Olor de La Noche (2003)

El otoño ha regresado a Vigàta con algunas sorpresas. Mientras Mimì Augello, el brazo derecho del comisario Montalbano, ha tirado la toalla y está a punto de casarse, don Salvo aguanta la enésima reprimenda de Livia por haber estropeado el suéter que le regaló. Pero, como la vida hay que vivirla,...

El Olor de La Noche (2003) by Andrea Camilleri

Un giro decisivo (2004)

Casi al límite del agotamiento, mientras nada en el mar con la furia de quien quiere liberarse de una noche de pensamientos obsesivos, el comisario Salvo Montalbano se topa, literalmente, con la investigación más difícil de cuantas ha llevado a cabo hasta la fecha. En efecto, su hallazgo de un ca...

Un giro decisivo (2004) by Andrea Camilleri

Le ali della sfinge (2006)

Non è un buon momento questo per il commissario Montalbano: con Livia ci sono continui litigi, incomprensioni ingigantite dalla distanza, nervosismo. Passato e futuro si ammantano nei suoi pensieri di una vaga nostalgia. E in una di queste serate di malinconia viene chiamato d'urgenza. In una vec...

Le ali della sfinge (2006) by Andrea Camilleri

The Scent of the Night

He would bury it before Livia arrived.   He opened the refrigerator and found nothing special there: a tin of olives, another of anchovies, and a piece of cheese. He cheered up, however, when he opened the oven. Concetta had prepared a platter of patati cunsati, an extremely simple dish that coul...

The Scent of the Night by Andrea Camilleri

The Snack Thief

Montalbano had met him the year before, when involved in the case later dubbed the terra-cotta dog. Were you in the middle of a lesson? asked Valente. In an uncommon show of good sense, a school principal in Maz, without involving the superintendency, had allowed some classrooms to be used to cre...

The Snack Thief by Andrea Camilleri

The Paper Moon

Two, his mother was a woman of easy virtue.     Three, his sister was worse than his mother.     Back at the station, he walked past Catarella without the other’s noticing, engrossed as he was in the computer. A whole regiment of gangsters could have entere...

The Paper Moon by Andrea Camilleri

Game of Mirrors

“Signor Miccichè, it’s not a crime, you know, if you lend it to someone every now and then. Even I sometimes lend my car to my wife or my brother.”     He figured it would seem reassuring for him to come off as a cop, yes, but with a family. A person like everyone else.  ...

Game of Mirrors by Andrea Camilleri

Rounding the Mark

Penguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4P 2Y3 (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.) Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England Penguin Ireland, 25 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland (a division of Penguin Books Ltd) Penguin Group...

Rounding the Mark by Andrea Camilleri

Judge Surra (2014)

He jumped out of bed, threw open the window and looked down. The shout came from a peasant holding under his arm a basket filled with eggs. The yell rang out once more. In the house opposite, a woman leant over a balcony ringed with flowers and lowered down a basket attached to a length of rope. ...

Judge Surra (2014) by Andrea Camilleri

The Age of Doubt

And so, with his head in a fog of rage, he’d followed the guy, caught up with him, passed him, and then screeched to skidding halt, blocking the road crosswise with his car.     He’d got out of the car with his hair standing on end and eyes bulging, and, yelling like a madman,...

The Age of Doubt by Andrea Camilleri

The Fourth Secret

Not because he had been caught doing something illegal, but because if he had seen all the mess he had caused, falling head first in the mud. Certainly, the marshal must have laughed his ass off behind his back. Montalbano looked Verruso in the eyes, but he didn’t see mockery or amusement. The se...

The Fourth Secret by Andrea Camilleri

The Patience of the Spider

Not in the least. What I mean is that we, too, could force the Mistrettas to take the necessary steps in the right direction, the one that leads to the possible ransom money. And those steps might clear up a whole lot of things for us. I dont understand. Let me sum it up for you. The kidnappers k...

The Patience of the Spider by Andrea Camilleri

The Shape of Water

He took a long shower, drank three coffees in succession, then got in his car. When he arrived in Rabàto, the oldest quarter of Montelusa, destroyed thirty years earlier by a landslide and now consisting mostly of ruins refurbished higgledy-piggledy and damaged, ramshackle hovels inhabited by ill...

The Shape of Water by Andrea Camilleri

Treasure Hunt

Two or three hours of sleep wouldn’t have done him any good. On the contrary, it would simply have left him feeling woozier than ever.     Actually—he thought as he went into the kitchen to prepare another four-cup espresso pot—what had happened to him the previous night was j...

Treasure Hunt by Andrea Camilleri

The Dance of the Seagull

“What do you mean?”     “Can you eat everything, or are you on a diet?”     “I eat everything and always have a good appetite.”     “Do you like fish?”     “I love fish.”     “Do you mind if I smok...

The Dance of the Seagull by Andrea Camilleri

Hunting Season: A Novel

“Does that seem right to you? Doesn’t it cry out to God for vengeance that this child of sin is going to enjoy the vineyard of Le Zubbie? And that whore and her cuckolded pimp of a husband are going to live it up after killing poor Don Filippo?”     “Killing him? But the inspe...

Hunting Season: A Novel by Andrea Camilleri

The Brewer of Preston (2014)

The dawn arrived in the company of a cold, bothersome wind, and the day promised darkness. The lieutenant suffered the cold twofold, owing to lack of sleep. He had decided not to go to bed that night, certain that the moment he lay down he would have plunged into a leaden sleep lasting at least f...

The Brewer of Preston (2014) by Andrea Camilleri

The Potter's Field

It did not surprise me, given your attitude over the last few weeks. I even understand, in part, your reasons for writing it. And thus I am (almost) convinced I should meet you halfway. But don’t you think that asking me for total freedom and autonomy in investigating the critaru case, of all thi...

The Potter's Field by Andrea Camilleri

A Voice in the Night

Maybe . . .’ Fazio stared at his toecaps.     ‘Nobody sent it: I took it there myself,’ said Montalbano.     Augello sat upright in his chair.     ‘You?! How did you get it?’ ‘We found it by chance, Fazio and I did, the other night, when...

A Voice in the Night by Andrea Camilleri

The Terra-Cotta Dog

Since I’ve known you I’ve been forced to see them about fifty times. You can therefore stick them, column by column, you-know-where. I’m going off by myself and don’t know when I’ll be back.  Livia’s note oozed with rage, and Montalbano took it in. But since a wolflike hunger had seized hold of h...

The Terra-Cotta Dog by Andrea Camilleri

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