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Read Rory's Last Chance (2011)

Rory's Last Chance (2011)

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0857155466 (ISBN13: 9780857155467)

Rory's Last Chance (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

This is the first book in a new series 'Love in Xxchange' by the wonderful Bailey Bradford. As I enjoy this author's writing and her series are always entertaining, I was looking forward to this new adventure. The fact that Rory and Chance met in a bar called The Xxchange I felt was rather amusing, especially considering it's a gay bar in a fairly small, rural Texas town. There aren't too many of those around.Chance is forty years old and wants nothing to do with PYTs - pretty young things. He does, however, need to hire experienced ranch hands. Chance has been thrown about quite a lot by life, and has some serious pain in his past, but he has always picked himself up and made it on his own two feet. Of course, that also means he hasn't had a lot of experience with love and sometimes he thinks a warm body to snuggle with at the end of the day would be a great thing to have. It was in one of those moods that he went in to the Xxchange but quickly discovered the music was horrible and everyone there was a PYT. Until he met a stranger, but didn't get a good look at him, before the stranger rocked his world and then left. So, when he interviews Rory he almost says no because the guy is young, with the face of an angel, but he has the ranching skills and Chance takes, well, a chance on him.Rory has moved to this small area from Montana after his father threw him off his ranch and disowned him. When he spots an incredibly hot older man at the Xxchange, he can't help but walk up behind him and make a move. When Rory hears how Chance feels about PYTs he knows he'd better not let Chance see his face, so after a scorching encounter Rory disappears. Of course, with Rory's luck, when he shows up to interview for a job at the Galloway ranch, Chance is the owner. But since Chance never got a look at Rory he knows he's going to have to prove to Chance that Rory is a man well capable of loving Chance.Chance and Rory both have their share of insecurities and vulnerabilities. Chance has spent his whole life insistent on never allowing anyone close to him emotionally. Rory has spent his life trying to bury his desire to be loved. When both men realize they share something from their pasts, it throws them both for a loop. And, no, I'm not saying what. That would spoil it! *grins* Just be warned that it was ugly and destructive to both men. But, Chance and Rory, together, put an end to that problem and justice is definitely served.I have read some great sensual and erotic novels in my time and Chance and Rory rate high on the heat factor spectrum. It's not even so much the sex as the powerful yearning, need, hunger, and love which exists between them. I really enjoyed this first installment and look forward to reading more.NOTE: This book was provided by Total-E-Bound for the purpose of a review. This was a decent read, but I wanted more from the relationship between Rory and Chance. There was no build up in the book because time passed too quickly. It went from them teasing to them ignoring each other to them being in bed (in about 4 pages). I liked the characters and wanted to learn more about them.As for the cover, I think it is very misleading. Chance is supposed to be 40 years old and Rory is in his early to mid twenties. The boys on the cover look to be late teens or early twenties. And the worst part of it is that NEITHER looks like a cowboy.

What do You think about Rory's Last Chance (2011)?

Great beginning to a new series. Can't wait for the next one.



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