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Wesley - Plot & Excerpts

“This is stupid. I screwed up one time—”
“You got busted by Mom one time. That doesn’t mean it was the only time you did it, just that it was the only time you got caught,” Sully said calmly. Wes wanted to punch him or poke him, do something to break through that utter freaking calm that seemed impenetrable. Sully talked on, either unaware, or, more likely, uncaring that Wes was steaming mad. “You can pout and throw a fit, but Mom and Dad sent you down here to me and Bobby because they aren’t stupid either, Wes. They know that you’ve probably been using more than just the one time.” Sully arched a brow in an imperious look that made Wes growl.
“Calm down, kitty boy. Otherwise I might have to put you over my knee.”
Wes jerked his head around, surprised to find Sully’s mate, Bobby, not more than a yard behind him. He hadn’t even heard the wolf shifter approach, which was screwed up. Wes, like his brother, was a snow leopard shifter. They had enhanced senses just like the damned wolf shifters did.

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