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Read A Subtle Breeze (2010)

A Subtle Breeze (2010)

Online Book

3.71 of 5 Votes: 4
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0857151541 (ISBN13: 9780857151544)
Total e-Bound

A Subtle Breeze (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

Definitely had it's good points, there were hot scenes and I really liked the focus of the book on homophobia and hate crimes. I really felt for Zeke and what he had gone through and probably, like most people who read this book, I wanted to do some serious damage to that sister of his. I found it touching, that even though he wasn't aware of it, he had people still watching out for him, who still wanted to support him. That was a lovely aspect for the book.The part of the book that brought down the rating for me, however, was the insta-love aspect. The I-love-you's and the speed with which their attachment to each other happened, was just too fast to be believable for me. Insta-lust, sure but the affection was there from the first moment they laid eyes on each other and I found it hard to stay with it. Which was a shame, I would've loved to have seen a more natural progression because they were both good characters.But if you don't mind insta-love, give this one ago, it did have it's touching points and certain characters (the Sheriff) left good enough impressions that I'll probably end up reading more in the series :) Sometimes you just need a book that is easy reading and doesn't make you think too much, just for the relaxation of it. This story filled that need for me. It's instant attraction and in bed the first time they meet, but I can overlook that if the book is entertaining with a decent plot. It does take stars off though.I liked Zeke with his panic attacks and worries, and Brendon was a good partner for him, thoughtful and caring. Nice easy read with a very satisfying ending.

What do You think about A Subtle Breeze (2010)?

This story underscore how easy it is to feel alone and isolated. I liked it.

This was a nice little love story. The lovers were equally interesting.

I really enjoyed this book...especially Zeke's Mom's spirit. :)

Totally enjoyable. Fun fun fun!

Loved it!

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